Sony launched three smartphones and a tablet at its pre-IFA 2014 event in Berlin on Wednesday. The firm also introduced its PS4 Remote Play feature in for the Xperia Z3 family of devices - the Xperia Z3, Xperia Z3 Compact and Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact.
The PS4 Remote Play feature allows users to stream their PS4 games onto compatible Xperia devices over their home Wi-Fi network (or even a high-speed Internet connection, though Sony doesn't recommend this). This functionality will only be rolled out in November. A DualShock 4 Wireless Controller, PlayStation 4 console with the latest PS4 system software update, Sony Entertainment Network access, and the PS4 Remote Play app or PlayStation app installed on the Xperia will be required to play games.
Sony notes that some games do not support the PS4 Remote Play feature. The company has also introduced the GCM10 Game Control Mount, which will essentially make it easier for users to play PS4 games on their Xperia Z3 family of devices - by holding the tablet or smartphone along with the controller while gaming.
The company also notes that if users of the Xperia Z3 family just want to watch their PS4 friends' gameplay, or chat with them, apart from browsing the PlayStation Store, they will not need the DualShock 4 Wireless Controller. Sony has also mentioned that it is currently not planning to bring the PS4 Remote Play feature to its other smartphone or tablet devices, speaking to The Verge.
The PS4 Remote Play feature was first introduced as a way to boost PS4 games from the console to the PlayStation Vita handheld console in April, along with the PS4 v1.70 system software update, and the PS Vita v3.15 system software update - which included Automatic Device Registration for access to Remote Play and other second screen features.
Sony in August had further expanded the functionality of the PS4 Remote Play feature with the PlayStation 4 v2.00 system software update last month. The feature enabled users to stream PS4 games from the console to any PlayStation TV-connected television in their home.
Sony at its pre-IFA 2014 event also announced two new lens-style cameras - the E-mount ILCE-QX1 and DSC-QX30, which are priced at $400 (approximately Rs. 24,000) and $350 (approximately Rs. 21,000), respectively.
The company has noted that the QX30 will be available in this month, and the QX1 will be available in November at Sony retail stores and other retailers nationwide.
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